Why so deep penetration?
Among hunters there is a strong belief that bullet has to stop inside the game to leave all its energy into the game. But what does it actually leave? In fact it only looses the speed and same time its capability to form a wound channel. Energy is used to express the bullets capability to maintain the speed during penetration. That's why it is usually also followed by minimum bullet weight requirement in legislation. Large part of the energy is consumed in friction and heat generation. Wound channel is formed only when speed is present
On Tarvas bullet the idea is to maintain the high speed and wound channel forming capability in order to cause damage in the vital organs of the game.
Instead of smashing hard on the surface Tarvas rather drills through the animal leaving heavy bleeding holes on both sides of the animal causing massive inside bleeding and fast kill
Practical hunting situation have shown heavy bleeding marks straight from the place of hit
Deep penetration also enables more difficult shooting angles. Although it is always wise to avoid shot on an animal quartering away, you may end up shooting one as a follow-up shot
Deep penetration combines the best of expanding and solid bullet performance. Now you need only one.
Wound channel Tarvas versus conventional mushrooming bullet
Although heavier bullet is giving edge to Tarvas, test shows clear difference both in penetration and speed inside the game which can not be explained by bullet weight. Double mushroom slows down the bullet speed. If the point of impact is on the shoulder of a moose the bullet will travel less than 350 m/s in the lungs while Tarvas has maintained it's speed and wound channel forming capability after passing trough the shoulder blade with minimal meat damage
Tarvas bullet looses clearly less speed than a conventional bullet it
maintains the capability to form wound channel deep inside the animal.
Now the wound channel is strong inside the vital area, also after a
difficult quartering follow-up shot. This is the key to fast one shot
kill experienced with Tarvas bullet.
Is bullet dangerous if it goes through?
First rule is that every bullet is dangerous. A responsible hunter never shoots in direction which is not safe.
Every bullet can and will sometimes pass through the animal although with greatly reduced speed, or you can simply miss and then your bullet will go at full speed towards unsafe direction!
Any expanding bullet which fragments uncontrolled can start to tumble or change direction If this happens the bullet may travel in greatly changed direction which you never believed to happen
We have been working hard to ensure straight predictable wound channel.
The bullet should not astray from its path even after bone hits.
This area has got all our attention, in design, choosing of the material, heat treatment and extensive testing
Straight penetration is a key to safe hunting. Now you know where your bullet will enter. You will not have nasty surprises when fragments of broken bullet or a stray bullet kills your precious hunting dog or even worse, hits a fellow hunter.